Following the just ended Montserrado Student’s Union Defeated Candidate Solomane Kromah has criticized the election commission headed by Mohammed Gandhi Kamara while terming the election as massive Fraud and irregularities.

Defeated candidate in the just ended Montserrado student’s Union election solomane Kromah has rejected the March 19, 2022 election results.

According to him, the voters’ roll was not disclosed to his team something he said undermines the entire process.

Speaking to Reports 231, solomane said there was fraud and irregularities in the just-ended election. He at the same time said some of his dedicates were denied to participate in the process because they were using the same uniform he made reference to B W Sherman and B W Harris.

Meanwhile, Team solomane Standard Bearer via to stage a major protest and court proceeding if the election commission refused to address their concerns.

Reported by: Kabina S Kabah

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