The President of the Patriotic Entrepreneurs of Liberia said, Liberia is facing many problems because citizens usually elect what he calls “many hungry individuals” to the legislature, and at the same time advocated for a business seat at the Liberian legislature.

Mr. Nimely noted that the business community is going to have a seat in the legislature and stressed that if there is a business seat in both houses, there will be no way for APM Terminal to refuse the Liberian currency.

Dominic Nimely said there are many “hungry individuals” who are elected to serve at the Liberia Legislature; something which he said is causing many of them to compromise the interest of the Liberian people.

Nimely said the Legislature respects what many described as “brown envelope” which can be equated to bribe than the interest of the Liberian people.

PATEL leader added that there are three denominations of Liberian banknotes being infused in the economy that is causing serious problems for business people.



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