Monrovia, Liberia – At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Rwanda in Kigali, Liberia and Rwanda signed a historic General Cooperation Agreement. This agreement signifies a turning point in improving diplomatic and commercial relations between the two countries.

Among other areas of mutual interest, the historic Agreement seeks to promote deeper cooperation in air transport, ICT and digitalization, e-governance, education, health, agriculture, quarrying and mining, environmental sustainability, commerce and investment. Based on mutual benefit and sovereign equality, the Agreement emphasizes a will to support sustainable and harmonic development.

Comprising representatives from both nations, a joint permanent commission will be formed to supervise the follow-up and application of the Agreement. On behalf of Liberia, Dr. Ibrahim Al-bakri Nyei signed the Agreement; Ambassador Olivier J. P. Nduhungirehe, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, signed on behalf of Rwanda.

In attendance for the signing ceremony was a high-level Liberian delegation headed by Deputy Minister for International Cooperation and Economic Integration Dr. Ibrahim Al-bakri Nyei. Along with Mr. Richmond Orichos Neufville, Sr., Press Secretary for the Office of the Vice President, and Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration.



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