Paynesville, Montserrado – In the run-off elections set for November 14, 2023, members of the opposition political parties in District #5, Montserrado County, declared their support for President George Manneh Weah’s reelection bid.

Hundreds of District #5 residents, heads of Unity Party (UP) auxiliaries, some partisans of the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), other community groupings, supporters, and well-wishers made decisions at a one-day interactive forum with Amb. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr., Foreign Minister of the Republic of Liberia and Political Leader of MOVEE. The organizations claimed that their actions were a token of gratitude for Kemayah’s kindness towards the residents of District #5.

It can be recalled that recently, MOVEE’s political leader called on all of the party’s county chairs to return to the trenches and start President Weah’s reelection campaign. MOVEE is a member of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), a ruling party that has nine (9) constituent polities.

Speakers at the event said the Liberian Foreign Minister and Political Leader of the Movement for Economic (MOVVE), who has lived in District #5 for more than 25 years without having a disagreement with any of the locals, has not only been a good neighbor but also a great supporter of community development in the Town Hall Community.

Sunday, November 5, 2023, marked the official launch of the Movement for Economic Empowerment’s (MOVEE) Political Leader’s Amb. Dee-Maxwell Saah Kemayah, Sr. community outreach and engagement, which started more than a week ago. The political leader of MOVEE encouraged followers and supporters to vote for President Weah in the impending runoff elections during the program.

Amb. Kemayah thanked everyone who had taken time out of their schedules to wait for him to arrive at the Party Headquarters during his speech, which included singing and dancing. He had earlier accompanied President George Manneh Weah to Jacob’s Town, where thousands of United Muslims of Liberia had congregated to lend their support to the president’s reelection campaign.

Equal opportunities for all Liberians, regardless of political affiliation, religious beliefs, or place of origin, are President Weah’s primary concerns as he continues to work in the best interests of the Liberian people. He is a man of peace, a man of development, and a man who doesn’t care whether you are up or down. Additionally, there were instances where parents found it impossible to cover their kids’ WASSCE costs, but President Weah assumed responsibility for doing so. Not only that, but unlike previous administrations, President Weah has persisted in guaranteeing free education for students attending the University of Liberia (UL) and other public universities, according to Minister Kemayah.

Minister Kemayah said that President Weah has built more hospitals, such as the Emirates Hospital, the New Redemption Hospital, and the 14 Military Hospital, to assist the welfare of Liberians from low-income backgrounds in terms of infrastructural development. In order to make it easier for our farmers to move agricultural products from their farms to markets and urban areas, several roadways are being built.

Making the most of the occasion, he gave the people instructions on how to cast valid votes. MOVEE Political Leader said because President Weah, the head of the country’s feminist movement, is so passionate about women’s emancipation, he decided to run for president alongside Vic Prsident Jewel Howard Taylor.

The Dean of the Cabinet disclosed that voters must vote for President Weah at number two (2) on the ballot and make sure that their thumbprint, an X, or a checked mark is placed in the box after V.P. Taylor, making sure that the mark does not extend outside the box and rendering the vote invalid. This is necessary to support President Weah’s excellent work, he said.

Strong Women for Weah Auxiliary Deputy Chairperson Mamie Dorley declared, “We have gathered here today to make it categorically and emphatically clear that we are going to campaign vigorously; we are going to gather more followers and vote for President George Manneh Weah massively on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at the polls.”



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